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3d Watch New

Planetary scale decentralized infrastructure network for all verified physical RWAs

The general purpose decentralized infrastructure network for the fractional tokenization and verified exchange of all physical real world assets.

Verified Decentralized Exchange

Verified decentralized exchange

Fermion protocol enables the secure decentralized exchange of physical real world assets, by coordinating a network of trusted verifiers and custodians using decentralized infrastructure.

Native Frac Tokenization

Native fractional tokenization

Fermion extends ERC-404 to enable native fractionalization of physical RWAs into ERC-20s which bridge into DeFi to access increased liquidity and demand.

Gen Protocol

General purpose protocol

Fermion is a general purpose protocol which is being progressively developed into the planetary scale network for all verified physical RWAs.

Protocol design

Protocol Design


All physical assets secured on a decentralized ledger.

Anyone Can Use

Anyone can use, everyone can trust

Blackrock’s plan risks financial elite ”control of everything”.

General Purpose

General purpose

Roadmap to extend to all types of physical RWAs from collectibles to commodities and real-estate.

Minimally Extractive

Minimally extractive

Low fees, with token holders getting to share in the value created.

State Of The Art


Designed by expert physical RWA protocol design team.


Features Three Col Bg
Dapp Suite

dApp Suite

Backendless dApp designed for ease of use for sellers, verifiers, custodians and buyers.

Features Three Col Bg
Tokenization Kit

Tokenization kit

Easily plug-in assets, verifiers and custodians and build physical RWA apps.

Features Three Col Bg
Global Marketplaces

Global Marketplaces

For tokenizing and exchanging physical RWAs.

The Flow

Fermion high level flow

High Level Architecture Revised

High level architecture

Working together, Boson and Fermion enable the decentralized tokenization and exchange of the full spectrum of physical RWAs, optimizing for efficiency for commerce assets and verification for high-value assets. Fermion is built on top of Boson. However, they are separate networks with separate tokens, governed by distinct but overlapping communities.

Primary entities

The protocol is used by different entities, who have different roles in the process. Each role has a set of actions they can perform in the protocol.


Entities who directly hold inventory, sell products, and collect revenue on items sold.


Entities who purchase the asset in the primary or secondary sales, including those assets that are fractionalized.


Trusted actors who verify that assets meet the description for a fee.


Trusted actors who receive, custody, and release assets for a fee.

Secondary entities

Entities which are distinct in the real world, but which the protocol cannot distinguish from primary entities. Distinguishing between such entities is done at higher levels (e.g. in dApp).


Acts on behalf of a Seller, and manages the entire process for them, including taking money from sales and paying the off-protocol seller.


Agents who bridge/intermediate on to off chain activities. For example, entities who will act as the verifier/custodian on-protocol, with an off-chain contract with the off-protocol verifier/custodian.


Entities with the power to setup and list offers and have control for everything except holding keys for the payment account.


Introducer agents who are incentivized to source sellers, verifiers, custodians and supply. They do not act as intermediaries, just introducers. Initially offchain.

Protocol Design

Protocol Design Reworked

Protocol design details

Phase 01

Sourcerer or Sellers list an asset on the protocol and select Verifiers, Custodians and a price discovery mechanism.

Phase 02
Primary trading

Minting and listing of whole or fractionalized NFT as claim on as-yet unverified asset.

Phase 03

Verifier examines asset and either passes or fails verification of asset against description.

Phase 04

Protocol unlocks to Buyer an F-NFT for now verified and custodied asset.

Phase 05
Secondary Trading

Buyer may now trade verified, custodied F-NFT either in whole or fractionally including use as collateral in DeFi etc.

Phase 06

Upon request, protocol will receive and burn F-NFT and enable Buyer to take custody of the asset.